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Discover the Salesforce Characters and Mascots

Discover the Salesforce Characters and Mascots.

Salesforce characters represent the lighthearted aspect of the company. Every one of these characters serves a particular job and objective. The table below provides a summary of the Salesforce characters and Mascots.

CharacterNameRepresentative of
SassySaaSyThe End of Software
AstroAstro NomicalCommunity and Inclusion
AppyAppy the BobcatPartners
Blaze the WolfBlaze the WolfCustomer Success
Brandy the FoxBrandy the FoxSalesforce Marketers
Cloudy the GoatCloudy the GoatSalesforce Admins
Cody the BearCody the BearSalesforce Developers
EinsteinEinsteinEinstein & AI
HootieHootie McOwlface the OwlSkills & Credentials
KoaKoa the DogLove & Longitivity
Max the MuleMax the MuleMuleSoft
Ruth the ElephantRuth the ElephantSalesforce Architects
GennieGenie the RabbitSalesforce Genie
Salesforce Characters - Flo the Flying SquirrelFlo the Flying SquirrelSalesforce Flow

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