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Why Excel Spreadsheets Are No Longer Enough for Pricing Management?

Why Excel Spreadsheets Are No Longer Enough for Pricing Management?

ProductEngine Price Management


Pricing management is a critical aspect of any business, but with the rise of technology and the growth of data, using Excel spreadsheets to manage pricing simply isn’t enough anymore. While spreadsheets can be convenient and accessible, they’re also prone to errors, inconsistencies, and version control issues that can ultimately hurt your business.

In this article, we’ll explore the limitations of spreadsheets, and why it’s essential to reduce human error in pricing management. We’ll also introduce a purpose built solution, ProductEngine, that can help businesses reduce pricing errors and increase efficiency.

Limitations of Spreadsheets for Data Management

First and foremost, spreadsheets are inherently limited in their ability to track changes over time which can be especially problematic in pricing management. As data grows, it becomes more challenging to manage, with users struggling to keep track of various documents and versions. Additionally, spreadsheets don’t offer automated permissions or version control, which means it’s easy for users to accidentally overwrite, delete, or lose valuable data.

Advantages of Purpose-Built Tools for Price Management

By contrast, purpose-built tools like ProductEngine are designed to make pricing management more accessible, efficient, and accurate. With purpose-built software specifically designed for pricing management, users can manage data better, with features like role-based permissions, version control, and data validation to help reduce mistakes, errors, and inconsistencies.

Benefits of ProductEngine for Data Accuracy

ProductEngine is specifically designed for pricing management and offers several features to reduce pricing errors. For example, ProductEngine offers an automatic data updating feature that ensures all pricing-related data is up-to-date across all business units, reducing errors, and improving consistency. Additionally, ProductEngine offers real-time data validation, which can help keep the data as accurate as possible.

How ProductEngine Helps Keep Data in Sync Across Businesses

ProductEngine is uniquely equipped to help businesses manage pricing data across multiple sales channels and devices, keeping data accurate and relevant, regardless of where or how it’s accessed. This feature ensures that pricing data stays in sync, ultimately reducing pricing errors and inconsistencies.


The bottom line is that when it comes to pricing management, Excel spreadsheets are no longer enough. Purpose-built solutions like ProductEngine offer several benefits that can improve pricing management accuracy and efficiency, reducing errors and contributing to sustainable business growth. As a CEO, CFO, Sales Leader, or Commercial Manager, it’s essential to consider moving your business from spreadsheets to purpose-built pricing management solutions like ProductEngine. By doing so, you’ll be working towards building a more efficient and sustainable business. Check out for more information.

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